What's Inside: 5 Key Phases To A Powerful Launch

  • Phase 1: Intention Phase

    Step one is getting clear on your why, your purpose, your goal, and your objective.

  • Phase 2: Foundation Phase

    Step two is building a foundation that will allow you to attract, convert, and scale.

  • Phase 3: Attraction Phase

    Step three is gaining attention and traction to the foundation you have built.

  • Phase 4: Conversion Phase

    Step four is taking the attention and converting it into paid customers.

  • Phase 5: Retention Phase

    Step five is maintaining strong customer relations to ensure repeat future business.

Find value here, and the next step is Zero To Hero where you will be BLOWN away. 


Course Reviews

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5 star rating


Harriet O'Donovan

Every second of the course has an actionable element, so you progress so quickly. I also have huge clarity now about what to do next, not just posting rando...

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Every second of the course has an actionable element, so you progress so quickly. I also have huge clarity now about what to do next, not just posting randomly on social media. So much useful detail.

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5 star rating

👍so much value

lamont white

This was a great course!

This was a great course!

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4 star rating

Let’s Begin

Dominic Jones